November 6-7, 2021

It was starting to sink in that I’m now committed to 100 days painting outside. The weather was turning colder, but I still wanted to paint. On November 6, I stood on my patio and painted the scene I often look at from my living room. There was just one tree with leaves still left, and it glowed golden and orange in the fall sun. The wind picked up, and several times the canvas flew towards me, flat onto the front of my black down jacket. I love my jacket, it’s been with me for a decade. It already had a few paint marks from my earlier days of painting outside, but now it was clearly covered on paint. I sighed, and decided that my jacket is now part of my project as well. What I didn’t know was how many people would react to paint on a jacket. More on that later…

November 7th I wanted to capture the light so I set up in the neighborhood by the walking path. As opposed to the earlier days when I was out in nature, I found myself feeling more self-conscious, especially when people walked by and didn’t say anything. I thought about the concept of outside, and how in that moment I felt lonelier standing in my neighborhood than I did out in nature. I looked over at a neighboring apartment building and saw an outline of a person looking down. Soon after, neighbors I knew stopped by, and then others I didn’t know, and asked about my painting. My neighbor Claes was on his way home with his camera around his neck. Before this, we had said hello in the parking garage before, but otherwise hadn’t had the chance to talk much. We talked about my project, and he said he does street photography and asked if he could take my picture. I’m so appreciative for this picture he took! To see more of his photography you can check out

Claes then asked me a really good question - how cold can it get for my paint to still function? I hadn’t thought about this before, so I checked one of the tubes and it said 9 degrees C (48 F). We laughed, because just that day it was 9 degrees. I finished the day painting the leaves on the tree.
Another neighbor helped me carry the easel back to my patio as the sun was setting. This neighbor told me that he likes to draw in pencil. I realized how many of us engage in creative activities, but it’s not very often we know this. I had gotten to know many more neighbors the last year since getting my dog, but suddenly I was aware of more people’s interest in creativity and art.
Here is the finished painting, as seen at my first gallery show. 😊

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Copyright Kristy Lund