About me
Painting is my happy place. It's somewhere where I can lose myself, process what's on my heart or mind, and have fun. I paint abstracts and landscapes and I'm inspired by emotions, nature, and love.
“An artist makes you realise with intensity … something which you actually did not perceive before.”
-T.E. Hulme
Originally from California, I have lived in Sweden for over a decade. I currently work as a self-employed artist and life coach. Working with people from all over the world, my passion is to support clients to break through self-imposed limitations and connect with the beauty, meaning and purpose in life. So many of my clients have dreams of making the world a better place, but often think, who am I to do that? My coaching purpose is to connect people with the tools to live their true, authentic life and share their unique gifts with the world. I also believe every-day miracles and synchronicities are all around us, we just need to start noticing.
Public speaker
Publications in newpapers, magazines & academic journals
PhD focusing on balance in daily life and making lifestyle changes
Co-active coach diploma from world-leading Co-Active Training Institute
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
Occupational therapist since 1997
7 years working in health care
6 years working at Autodesk, a Bay Area software company
A decade in academia including teaching and research
Artist CV
2009 June-Aug: “Hope and Optimism” Juried group show, Pelican Art Gallery, Petaluma, California
2019 November: “Celebration of Creativity” Group show, Mail Depot, Petaluma, California
2020/2021 May-Dec: “Story of an Artist” independent solo art show at Hälsans Hus, Lund, Sweden
2021 October: Created new art project "100 Days Painting Outside"
2021 December: One of 24 artists highlighted by Contribute.to for their Artvent event
2022 March-April: “Journey through Skåne” solo art show at Galleri1, Tomelilla, Sweden
2022 April: “100 Days of Painting Outside” Easter open studios, Galleri1, Tomelilla, Sweden
2022 April-May: Group show Återbruket, Malmö, Sweden
2022 April-June: “Faces” Art Shack, Örum (Österlen), Sweden
2022 Sept-Oct: Skördetid på Österlen, Galleri1, Tomelilla, Sweden
Personal Essays
Peace Among Kid Chaos - Whole Life Times - My boys get meditation into my daily routine
Real life snapped between all the Kodak moments - Marin IJ Newspaper
Circus Tears and Triumphs - Mothering.com
Daily Reminder of Someone's Son - Marin IJ Newspaper
- Medicine and Miracles - Profile on Dr. Jennifer Gunter - Bay Area Parent
- New Ways to Celebrate the Winter Holidays - New York Spirit
- Gluten Free Dining in the Bay Area - Parents Press
- Academic Articles
- Breaking a cycle of perceived failure: The process of making changes toward a more balanced lifestyle - Australian Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Doctoral dissertation:Balancing Everyday Life. Exploring change following an activity-based lifestyle intervention for mental health service users - Lund University
- Joining, belonging and re-valuing: Meaning-making through group participation - SJOT
- Group leader and participant perceptions of Balancing Everyday Life - SJOT

Super grateful to those who are supporting my 100 Days Painting Outside!
Nicola Erni
David Örbring
Sigrid Stjernswärd
Anonymous (2)
Suzanne Johansson
Sally Smith
Beth McCay
Sarah and Matt Delorenzo
Brittany Bruce
Sarah Walchuk
Shelley Reid
Tanya Grasser
MaryBeth Shewan
Maria Ulander